flexibler Hardware-Tester für x86-Systeme: hwtester
Hier geht es darum, frisch produzierte Geräte der Klassen DLT-V83 und DLT-V72 auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen.
Hier geht es darum, frisch produzierte Geräte der Klassen DLT-V83 und DLT-V72 auf Herz und Nieren zu prüfen.
System um Linux-Images automatisch zu erstellen (einfacher und schneller als OpenEmbedded, Puppet, Ansible etc).
Zephyr uses command-line arguments for GCC that the clangd LSP server doesn’t
understand. Here I present one approach how to fix this.
This blog post shows how to setup a Zephyr project that you can use for several boards.
This blog post demonstrates how to set up a Zephyr project in a reproducible
manner. Additionally, it provides some Makefile tricks and best practices for
using this powerful tool effectively.
While you can set up a Zephyr project manually, following the Getting Started
Guide, a reproducible and automatic approach has several advantages. Firstly,
any changes made to the project will be automatically documented in GIT.
Furthermore, it is easier to move the project onto CI/CD servers or into Docker