AwesomeWM: about title bars and toggling them
The default rc.lua
from Awesome 4.0 turns title bars on. Here I show
how you can turn them off, and also how I enable them only for
floating clients.
The default rc.lua
from Awesome 4.0 turns title bars on. Here I show
how you can turn them off, and also how I enable them only for
floating clients.
The default rc.lua
from the Awesome window manager uses a lot of
globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(...)
I disliked this because …
So let’s change this …
In this post I show a nice method to define tags and associated layouts, where the tag names change dynamically when the layout changes.
This post shows how you can create a global titlebar. I personally removed the tasklist and replaced this with the titlebar. The tasklist wasn’t good looking anyway and so far I don’t miss the tasklist.