This post shows how you can create a global titlebar. I personally removed the tasklist and replaced this with the titlebar. The tasklist wasn’t good looking anyway and so far I don’t miss the tasklist.
Note: the following works with AwesomeWM v4.0. I used v4.0-127-g0be3b071.
Create the global title bar
Creating the title bar is easy enough:
local wibox = require("wibox")
local mytitle = wibox.widget {
markup = "Awesome: press Win-s for help",
align = "left",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox
As you can see, the default text is a help text that guides you towards the new hotkey widget.
Now we need to put this title onto our screens. Look for this text
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
and replace it with
{ -- Middle widget
layout = wibox.container.margin,
left = 12,
The extra margin gives us some leeway towards the tags, or towards a run prompt.
Connect the title bar to clients
Up to now the title bar just display this help text. That’s nice, but that’s not what we want. So we need to add some signal handlers.
- whenever a client get’s focus, use it’s class and name for the tile
- whenever a client is unfocused, reinstall the help text
client.connect_signal("focus", function (c)
mytitle.markup = c.class .. ": " ..
client.connect_signal("unfocus", function (c)
mytitle.markup = "Awesome: press Win-s for help"
Many clients (e.g. “urxvt” or “emacs”) update their title on-the-fly. We can get notified about this as well:
client.connect_signal("property::name", function(c)
-- ignore property changes from unfocused clients
if c == client.focus then
mytitle.markup = c.class .. ": " ..